Yep, it's true. I never learned how to ride a bike. My cousin tried to teach me when we were kids. My parents got me a cute pink Huffy bike with those streamers for the handlebars. I guess that was supposed to be incentive. Unlike Tilda, I don't think I looked so cute, standing there holding my bike because I couldn't ride it. If I remember correctly, I looked downright sulky. Then when I grew up (didn't lose the sulk, mind you, but I somehow got called an adult, anyway), my husband tried to teach me how to ride a bike. That poor guy. He had so much patience, but I'm a wimp. Every time that sucker wobbled, I put my feet down. I think he wanted to tie my feet to the pedals so I couldn't do that! I know that he talked about making training wheels for it. LOL. Before he passed away, he used to go on these long bike rides and he'd be gone for hours. He mentioned multiple times how he'd love it if I could ride along with him, but it was a skill I just never mastered. Unfortunately, I was a bit too big to ride on the handlebars of his bike, like we see so many kids doing. Wait, sorry. As usual, I got off topic. The topic at hand here is this card. I gave Tilda a pink bike just because it brings back memories (and honestly, because pink is the best color in the world!). This card is for a good friend of mine who's been feeling icky for the last few days. I hope she is better soon! I also hope she loves the card.
The big pink rose and the two medium sized ones are from a dollar store. The smaller ones are from Wild Orchid Crafts (www.wildorchidcrafts.com). They have gorgeous stuff for very reasonable prices, just make sure you pay attention to the exchange rate if you have a budget. I forgot to do that once, but that's another story and I shouldn't bore you with more digressions. The butterflies are Heidi Swapp with some pearls from Recollections (Michaels) thrown on there. The papers are Basic Grey and Tilda is carrying a bouquet of Ultrafine Flower Soft. I got the paper and the flowersoft from one of my fave stores, Create-It-Crafts (www.createitcrafts.com). Unfortunately, I colored the image a while ago and I don't recall which copics I used. I keep saying that I am going to get better about writing it down as I color, but I just never do! Bad me! Thanks for coming by my blog, even though I'm super chatty and forget to do things like write down colors!
so cute! oh can't even imagine not bike riding! lol We lived on our bikes every minute we weren't in school growing up!
Oh well, at least you can stamp!!! lol
Pam Going Postal
So very pretty. You did a great job. Too funny about your bike riding or not experiences. I have a boy's bike right now that is a bit too big for me so I don't like to ride it. (that and there are no flat spots in Pittsburgh to ride.)
ohhh Gina...what a fond memory to have of your DH...He sounds like he was a wonderful man....and I really love your Tilda on her pink bike...she's just too adorable...I just received this Tilda from Diana to and have yet to ink her up...I thought it would make a cute little Mother's Day Card....
On that wild orchid crafts site, do they show you the exchange somewhere? I have yet to find it...I would love to place an order from them but I refuse to unless I know how many us dollars I am spending...
Have a lovely week girl...
Nancy T.
Hi Gina, you did a great job on coloring Tilda and her bike. Don't feel bad, i never learned to ride one either, that being city life, where you get around on the bus, train, or trolly! I love those tennys. You go Girl. You have her shabby chic looking and the flowers fit the card perfectly. Love her 'red hair' too. Sending you warm huggers to my dear Friend! barbara from WA state
Great card, Gina! Love your flowers and papers and Tilda is a doll with her PINK bike.
Seems like this one brought back a lot of memories for you. Your DH sounds like he was a lovely person.
Hugs, Candy
Oh Gina I do so wish you had learned to ride a bike.. my favorite memories are those of my friends and I riding our bikes all day with out picnic lunch, then my kids have those same memories.. it is too bad their kids can't have the same memories, but to have had those memories to have shared with your DH.. well you are sharing them through Tilda... You have done her justice and you have given us all our precious memories again. Thank you for that and for doing such a unique job.
Hugs, Jean
Maybe you could practice on a stationery bike. :-) Your friend will love her card. Great job.
Your card is beautiful and it's never too late to learn......
O i loved your story that goes with your beautiful card. I'm just teaching my almost 3yr old now to ride his bike. So far he loves it. i always loved my bike growing up. And I would keep trying if I was you...nothing better than going fast down a hill with the wind in your face...lol
Hugs Leonie
Wow, this is gorgeous! I love the beautiful colors and papers and those flowers are gorgeous!
Hugs, Christine
I never learned either. Many have tried to teach but no luck. Your card is beautiful!
OMG Gina I cannot ride a bike but for a different reason. I actually can sit and peddle but I have never had very good depth perception and on a bicycle I run into anything in front of me that won[t move out of the way! I have even hit people and parked cars! I don['t try anymore! I love your card though! Guess I need that Tilda, too! Hugs, Barb F
So very lovely--I love that Tilda, its a fave. Great layout & beautiful embellies.
Very pretty card in wonderful colors and DPs. Those flowers surely are a pretty touch. Cami
Very pretty project. I enjoyed reading your story behind the card. I love riding my bike and can't wait to get it back out
OH what a precious story...You reminded me of
an old "Friends" TV episode where Pheobee was trying to learn how to ride a bike. She just loved to walk with her pink bike with the pink bike helment to match. It was just too funny.
Your card is just beautiful.Can't see the next one.
~Pam L.
Gorgeous card Gina. I learned biking when I was younger, but I am totally not good at it. That's ok, we can spend the time indoor making cards instead.
Thanks so much to share this sweet story :o)
You are trying a pretty project. Good luck !
Gina, Your card is stunningly beautiful. I love your gorgeous flowers and papers and Tilda is so sweet with her pink bike and so wonderfully coloured. Old memories are great and what a wonderful hubby. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments. Hugs Jodie from Oz
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