I hate forwarded emails. I hate those things that tell you to "send this on to X amount of people". I don't even open forwarded emails and if I happen to do so by mistake, I actively cringe. Then I got a good one today, that actually made me smile. I should add that I am having a sucky day. I got bad news about a family member last night that had me crying for a while. You know, the kind of news that lets you know this person may not be with you for long. So, I didn't start the day out well. Nothing can take that news away or really make it 100% better, but an email from
Charlene led me to her blog, which made me smile. It brightened my day for a few minutes, and isn't that what friends do? They take a dark day and brighten it up, even if the darkness creeps back in quickly. Anyway, this is what Char had for me. An award! She got one and had to forward it along to eight "stylish" bloggers. Hey, at least
something is stylish about me. Wait, let me rephrase that. At least someone
thinks that something is stylish about me! LOL.
Of course, it's one of those that requires effort from me, which isn't such a bad thing today. It's a good distraction. Hey, pick yourselves up off the floor....I know, I know...I just said that a forwarded thing is good. First thing I gotta do is tell you eight things about myself. I don't even know where to start. I could talk for days. LOL.
1. I live in Maryland. I've lived here my whole life and actually love this state. I only once ever gave serious thought to leaving, and that was when my husband and I considered moving to Williamsburg, VA.
2. I'm a shopaholic. I mean, to the point of probably needing a support group. I don't have debt from it, but I'd sure have a lot more moolah saved if I didn't spend it all.
3. My fave color is pink, followed closely by Granny Smith apple green.
4. I am actually an introvert. Yes, chatty and social, but I have more introverted qualities than most people realize. For instance, once I am home for the day, leave me the heck alone. Don't call, and for goodness' sake, don't stop by unannounced. I hate that and often won't even answer the door.
5. I think my cats are just really furry, tiny humans.
6. I love kids, but I also love to give them back to their parents. Hence the reason I don't have any. I just borrow someone else's on occasion.
7. I'm a chronic organizer of my scrap space, while the rest of my house goes to hell in a handbasket.
8. I'm a drama queen. Save this blog. I might have to delete this one (#8), because I don't think I've ever actually admitted that before. I get so mad at others who create drama, but if I'm honest with myself (and you!), I'm pretty good at stirring the pot, myself.
Ok, now I get to pay this award forward to eight other stylish bloggers. I'll try not to repeat any that Char already gave. Here goes:
I urge you to visit their blogs...great stuff there. As for you ladies I have awarded, if you've got a spare minute, tell us eight things about yourself and pay this award forward!